Problems of Frequency Tables and Charts

Exercise 1

Classify the following variables

  1. Daily hours of exercise.
  2. Nationality.
  3. Blood pressure.
  4. Severity of illness.
  5. Number of sport injuries in a year.
  6. Daily calorie intake.
  7. Size of clothing.
  8. Subjects passed in a course.

  1. Quantitative continuous.
  2. Qualitative nominal.
  3. Quantitative continuous.
  4. Qualitative ordinal.
  5. Quantitative discrete.
  6. Quantitative continuous.
  7. Qualitative ordinal.
  8. Quantitative discrete.

Exercise 2

The number of injuries suffered by the members of a soccer team in a league were

0 1 2 1 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 3 2 1 2 1 0 1


  1. Construct the frequency distribution table of the sample.
  2. Draw the bar chart of the sample and the polygon.
  3. Draw the cumulative frequency bar chart and polygon.

Injuries ni fi Ni Fi
0 6 0.2500 6 0.2500
1 11 0.4583 17 0.7083
2 5 0.2083 22 0.9167
3 2 0.0833 24 1.0000
plot of chunk injuries_soccer_team_barchart 3. plot of chunk injuries_soccer_team_cumulative_barchart

Exercise 3

A survey about the daily number of medicines consumed by people over 70 shows the following results:

3 1 2 2 0 1 4 2 3 5 1 3 2 3 1 4 2 4 3 2 3 5 0 1 2 0 2 3 0 1 1 5 3 4 2 3 0 1 2 3
  1. Construct the frequency distribution table of the sample.
  2. Draw the bar chart of the sample and the polygon.
  3. Draw the cumulative relative frequency bar chart and polygon.

Medicines ni fi Ni Fi
1 8 0.200 13 0.325
2 10 0.250 23 0.575
3 10 0.250 33 0.825
4 4 0.100 37 0.925
5 3 0.075 40 1.000
plot of chunk medicines_people_over_70_barchart 3. plot of chunk medicines_people_over_70_cumulative_relative_barchart

Exercise 4

In a survey about the dependency of older people, 23 persons over 75 years were asked about the help they need in daily life. The answers were


where the meanings of letters are:

A No help. B Help climbing stairs. C Help climbing stairs and getting up from a chair or bed. D Help climbing stairs, getting up and dressing. E Help for almost everything.

Construct the frequency distribution table and a suitable chart.

Help ni fi Ni Fi
A 5 0.2174 5 0.2174
B 8 0.3478 13 0.5652
C 5 0.2174 18 0.7826
D 3 0.1304 21 0.9130
E 2 0.0870 23 1.0000
plot of chunk help_daily_life_piechart

Exercise 5

The number of people treated in the emergency service of a hospital every day of November was

15 23 12 10 28 7 12 17 20 21 18 13 11 12 26 30 6 16 19 22 14 17 21 28 9 16 13 11 16 20
  1. Construct the frequency distribution table of the sample.
  2. Draw a suitable chart for the frequency distribution.
  3. Draw a suitable chart for the cumulative frequency distribution.

People ni fi Ni Fi
[5,10] 4 0.1333 4 0.1333
(10,15] 9 0.3000 13 0.4333
(15,20] 9 0.3000 22 0.7333
(20,25] 4 0.1333 26 0.8667
(25,30] 4 0.1333 30 1.0000
plot of chunk people_treated_emergency_service_histogram 3. plot of chunk people_treated_emergency_service_cumulative_histogram

Exercise 6

The following frequency distribution table represents the distribution of time (in min) required by people attended in a medical dispensary.


  1. Complete the table.
  2. Draw the ogive.


plot of chunk time_medical_dispensary_ogive

Exercise 7

The following table represents the frequency distribution of the yearly uses of a health insurance in a sample of clients of a insurance company.

uses clients
0 4
1 8
2 6
3 3
4 2
5 1
7 1

Draw the box plot. Study the symmetry of the distribution.

Exercise 8

The box plots below correspond to the age of a sample of people by marital status.

plot of chunk ages_marital_status_boxplot
  1. Which group has higher ages?
  2. Which group has lower central dispersion?
  3. Which groups have outliers?
  4. At which group is the age distribution more asymmetric?

  1. Widowers.
  2. Divorced.
  3. Widowers and divorced.
  4. Divorced.