Problems of Discrete Random Variables
Exercise 1
- Calculate and represent graphically the distribution function.
- Calculate the following probabilities
. b. . c. . d. .
, , and .
Exercise 2
- Calculate the probability function.
- Calculate the following probabilities
. b. . c. . d. . - Calculate the mean.
- Calculate the standard deviation.
, , and . -
. -
Exercise 3
An experiment consist in injecting a virus to three rats and checking if they survive or not. It is known that the probability of surviving is
- Calculate the probability function of the variable
that measures the number of surviving rats. - Calculate the distribution function.
- Calculate
, and . - Calculate the mean and the standard deviation. Is representative the mean?
, and . rats, rats y rats.
Exercise 4
The chance of being cured with certain treatment is 0.85. If we apply the treatment to 6 patients,
- What is the probability that half of them get cured?
- What is the probability that a least 4 of them get cured?
. .
Exercise 5
Ten persons came into contact with a person infected with tuberculosis. The probability of being infected after contacting a person with tuberculosis is 0.1.
- What is the probability that nobody is infected?
- What is the probability that at least 2 persons are infected?
- What is the expected number of infected persons?
. . .
Exercise 6
The probability of suffering an adverse reaction to a vaccine is 0.001. If 2000 persons are vaccinated, what is the probability of suffering some adverse reaction?
Exercise 7
The average number of calls per minute received by a telephone switchboard is 120.
- What is the probability of receiving less than 4 calls in 2 seconds?
- What is the probability of receiving at least 3 calls in 3 seconds?
- Let
be the number of calls in 2 seconds, . - Let
be the number of calls in 3 seconds, .
Exercise 8
A test contains 10 questions with 3 possible options each. For every question you get a point if you give the right answer and lose half a point if the answer is wrong. A student knows the right answer for 3 of the 10 questions and answers the rest randomly. What is the probability of passing the exam?
Exercise 9
It has been observed experimentally that 1 of every 20 trillions of cells exposed to radiation mutates becoming carcinogenic. We know that the human body has approximately 1 trillion of cells by kilogram ot tissue. Calculate the probability that a 60 kg person exposed to radiation develops cancer. If the radiation affects 3 persons weighing 60 kg, what is the probability that a least one of them develops cancer?
Exercise 10
A diagnostic test for a disease returns 1% of positive outcomes, and the positivie and negative predictive values are 0.95 and 0.98 respectively.
- Calculate the prevalence of the disease.
- Calculate the sensitivity and the specificity of the test.
- If the test is applied to 12 sick persons, what is the probability of getting at least a wrong diagnosis?
- If the test is applied to 12 persons, what is the probability of getting a right diagnosis for all of them?
.- Sensitivity
and specificity . - Let
be the number of wrong diagnosis in 12 sick persons, . - Let
be the number of right diagnosis in 12 persons, .
Exercise 11
In a study about a parasite that attacks the kidney of rats it is known that the average number of parasites per kidney is 3.
- Calculate the probability that a rat has more than 3 parasites.
- Calculate the probability of having at least 9 rats infected in a sample of 10 rats.
- Let
be the number of parasites in a rat, . - Let
be the number of rats with parasites in a sample of 10 rats, .
Exercise 12
In a physiotherapy course there are 60% of females and 40% of males.
- If 6 random students have to go to a hospital for making practices, what is the probability of going more males than females?
- In 5 samples of 6 students, what is the probability of having some sample without males?
- Let
be the number of females in a group of 6 students, . - Let
be the number of groups of 6 students without males in a sample of 5 groups, .