Physiotherapy exam 2022-03-11

Degrees: Physiotherapy
Date: March 11, 2022

Question 1

The table below shows the number of credits obtained by the students of the first year of the physiotherapy grade.


  1. Compute the median and the mode and interpret them.

  2. Draw the box and whiskers plot and interpret it. Are there outliers in the sample?

  3. Can we assume that the sample comes from a normal population?

  4. If the the second year the mean of credits obtained is 102 and the standard deviation is 12.5, which year has a higher relative dispersion?

  5. Which number of credits is relatively higher, 50 in the first year, or 105 in the second year?

Use the following sums for the computations:
xi=641 credits, xi2=31901 credits2, (xix¯)3=40158.06 credits3 and (xix¯)4=1672652.57 credits4.

  1. Me=48 credits and Mo=48 and 60 credits.

  2. Q1=39 credits, Q3=54 credits, IQR=15 credits, f1=16.5 credits and f2=76.5 credits. image 12 credits is an outlier.

  3. x¯=45.7857 credits, s2=182.3112 credits2, s=13.5023 credits.
    g1=1.1653 and g2=0.5946. Thus, we can assume that the sample comes from a normal distribution as the coef. of skewness and the coef. of kurtosis fall between -2 and 2.

  4. First year: cv=0.2949. Second year: cv=0.1225. Thus, the first year has a higher relative dispersion as the coef. of variation is greater.

  5. Standard score for the first year: z(50)=0.3121
    Standard score for the second year: z(105)=0.24
    As the standard score of 50 the first year is greater than the standard score of 105 the second year, 50 credits in the first year is relatively higher than 105 credits in the second year.

Question 2

The Regional Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid realizes a possible relationship between the level of air pollution and the number of cases of pneumonia in the population in the first 10 weeks of the year. To verify this, the variable X registers the number of pollution meters that exceed the pollution limits each week, and the variable Y indicates the number of people affected by pneumonia in each week.


  1. Are the number of people affected by pneumonia and the number of meters that exceed the pollution limits two linearly independent variables?

  2. According to the linear model, how does the number of people affected by pneumonia change in relation to the number of meters that exceed the pollution limits?

  3. Justify whether or not the linear relationship between the two variables is well explained and in what proportion.

  4. According to the exponential regression model, how many people are expected to be affected by pneumonia a week with 5 meters exceeding the pollution limits?

  5. Which of the following diagrams best represents the regression lines? Justify the answer.


Use the following sums for the computations:
xi=44 meters, log(xi)=13.9004 log(meters), yj=26 persons, log(yj)=7.4547 log(persons),
xi2=230 meters2, log(xi)2=21.1414 log(meters)2, yj2=100 persons2, log(yj)2=9.5496 log(persons)2,
xiyj=146 meterspersons, xilog(yj)=43.8653 meterslog(persons), log(xi)yj=42.8037 log(meters)persons, log(xi)log(yj)=12.7804 log(meters)log(persons).

  1. x¯=4.4 meters, sx2=3.64 meters2.
    y¯=2.6 persons, sy2=3.24 persons2.
    sxy=3.16 meterspersons. That means that there is a direct linear relation between the meters that exceed pollution limits and the people affected by pneumonia.

  2. byx=0.8681 persons/meter. Thus, the number of people affected by pneumonia increases 0.8681 persons for every meter more that exceed the pollution limits.

  3. Linear coefficient of determination r2=0.8467. Therefore, the linear regression model explains 84.67 % of the variability of the number of people affected by pneumonia.

  4. log(y)=0.7455 log(persons), sxlog(y)=1.1065 meters*log(persons).
    Exponential regression model: y=e0.592+0.304x, and y(5)=3.552 persons.

  5. Diagram A because the relation is direct and very strong according to the linear coefficient of determination.
