Physiotherapy exam 2019-03-26

Degrees: Physiotherapy
Date: March 26, 2019

Question 1

The time required by a drug A to be effective has been measured (in minutes) in a sample of 150 patients. The table below summarize the results.

Response timePatients(0,5]5(5,10]15(10,15]32(15,20]36(20,30]42(30,60]20

  1. Are there outliers in the sample? Justify the answer.

  2. What is the minimum time for the 20% of patients with highest response time?

  3. What is the average response time? Is the mean representative?

  4. Can we assume that the sample comes from a normal population?

  5. If we take another sample of patients with mean 18 min and standard deviation 15 min, in which group is greater a response time of 25 min?

Use the following sums for the computations: xi=3105 min, xi2=83650 min2, (xix¯)3=206851.65 min3 y (xix¯)4=8140374.96 min4.

  1. Q1=12.7344 min, Q3=25.8333 min, IQR=13.099 min, f1=6.9141 min and f2=45.4818 min. Therefore there are outliers in the sample since the upper limit of the last interval is above the upper fence.
  2. P80=27.619 min.
  3. x¯=20.7 min, s2=129.1767 min2, s=11.3656 min and cv=0.5491. The mean is moderately representative since the cv0.5.
  4. g1=0.9393 and g2=0.2523. Since g1 and g2 are between -2 and 2, we can assume that the sample comes from a normal (bell-shaped) population.
  5. The standard score of the first sample is z(25)=0.3783 and the standard score of the second one is z(25)=0.4667, thus a time of 25 min is relatively greater in the second sample.

Question 2

In a regression study about the relation between two variables X and Y we got x¯=7 and r2=0.9. If the equation of the regression line of Y on X is yx=1, compute

  1. The mean of Y.

  2. The equation of the regression line of X on Y.

  3. What value does this regression model predict for x=6? And for y=10?

  1. y¯=8.
  2. Regression line of X on Y: x=0.9y0.2.
  3. y(6)=7 and x(10)=8.8.

Question 3

In a tennis club the age (X) and the height (Y) of the ten players conforming the female youth team has been measured.

Age (years)9101112131415161718Height (cm)128144148154158161165164166167

  1. Plot the scatter plot (Height on Age).

  2. Which regression model bests fits these data, the linear or the logarithmic?

  3. What is the expected height of a player 12.5 years old according to the best of two previous models?

Use the following sums for the computations:
xi=135 years, log(xi)=25.7908 log(years), yj=1555 cm, log(yj)=50.4358 log(cm),
xi2=1905 years2, log(xi)2=67.0001, log(years)2, yj2=243191 cm2, log(yj)2=254.4404 log(cm)2,
xiyj=21303 yearscm, xilog(yj)=682.9473 yearslog(cm), log(xi)yj=4035.0697 log(years)cm, log(xi)log(yj)=130.2422 log(years)log(cm).

  1. Scatter plot of Height on Age

2.x¯=13.5 years, sx2=8.25 years2, log(x)=2.5791 log(years), slog(x)2=0.0483 log(years)2.
y¯=155.5 cm, sy2=138.85 cm2. sxy=31.05 yearscm, slog(x)y=2.4594 log(years)cm Linear coef. determination: r2=0.8416 Logarithmic coef. determination: r2=0.9013 Therefore, both models fit pretty well, but the logarithmic model fits a little bit better. 3. Logarithmic regression model: y=24.2639+50.8848log(x). Prediction: x(12.5)=152.785 cm.
