Pharmacy exam 2019-10-14

Degrees: Pharmacy, Biotechnology
Date: October 14, 2019

Question 1

It has been measured the systolic blood pressure (in mmHg) in two groups of 100 persons of two populations A and B. The table below summarize the results.

Systolic blood pressureNum persons ANum persons B(80,90]46(90,100]1018(100,110]2830(110,120]2426(120,130]1610(130,140]107(140,150]62(150,160]21

  1. Which of the two systolic blood pressure distributions is less asymmetric? Which one has a higher kurtosis? According to skewness and kurtosis can we assume that populations A and B are normal?

  2. In which group is more representative the mean of the systolic blood pressure?

  3. Compute the value of the systolic blood pressure such that 30% of persons of the group of population A are above it?

  4. Which systolic blood pressure is relatively higher, 132 mmHg in the group of population A, or 130 mmHg in the group of population B?

  5. If we measure the systolic blood pressure of the group of population A with another tensiometer, and the new pressure obtained (Y) is related with the first one (X) according to the equation y=0.98x1.4, in which distribution, X or Y, is more representative the mean?

Use the following sums for the computations:
Group A: xini=11520 mmHg, xi2ni=1351700 mmHg2, (xix¯)3ni=155241.6 mmHg3 and (xix¯)4ni=16729903.52 mmHg4.
Group B: xini=11000 mmHg, xi2ni=1230300 mmHg2, (xix¯)3ni=165000 mmHg3 and (xix¯)4ni=13632500 mmHg4.

  1. Group A: x¯=115.2 mmHg, s2=245.96 mmHg2, s=15.6831 mmHg, g1A=0.4024 and g2A=0.2346. Group B: x¯=110 mmHg, s2=203 mmHg2, s=14.2478 mmHg, g1B=0.5705 and g2B=0.3081. Thus the distribution of the population A group is less asymmetric since g1A is closer to 0 than g1B and the populaton B group has a higher kurtosis since g2B>g2A. Both populations can be cosidered normal since g1 and g2 are between -2 and 2.
  2. cvA=0.1361 and cvB=0.1295, thus, the mean of group B is a little bit more representative since its coef. of variation is smaller than the one of group A.
  3. P70125 mmHg.
  4. The standard scores are zA(132)=1.0712 and zB(130)=1.4037. Thus, 130 mmHg in group B is relatively higher than 132 mmHg in group A.
  5. y¯=111.496, sy=15.3694 and cvy=0.1378. Thus the mean of X is more representative than the mean of Y since cvx<cvy.

Question 2

In a symmetric distribution the mean is 15, the first quartile 12 and the maximum value is 25.

  1. Draw the box and whiskers plot.
  2. Could an hypothetical value of 2 be considered an outlier in this distribution?

  1. Q1=12, Q2=15, Q3=18, IQR=6, f1=3, f2=27, Min=5 and Max=25.
box plot of symmetric distribution
  1. Yes, because 2<f1.

Question 3

A pharmaceutical company is trying three different analgesics to determine if there is a relation among the time required for them to take effect. The three analgesics were administered to a sample of 20 patients and the time it took for them to take effect was recorded. The following sums summarize the results, where X, Y and Z are the times for the three analgesics.

xi=668 min, yi=855 min, zi=1466 min,
xi2=25056 min2, yi2=42161 min2, zi2=123904 min2,
xiyj=31522 min2, yjzj=54895 min2.

  1. Is there a linear relation between the times X and Y? And between Y and Z? How are these linear relationships?

  2. According to the regression line, how much will the time X increase for every minute that time Y increases?

  3. If we want to predict the time Y using a linear regression model, ¿which of the two times X or Z is the most suitable? Why?

  4. Using the chosen linear regression model in the previous question, predict the value of Y for a value of X or Z of 40 minutes.

  5. If the correlation coefficient between the times X and Z is r=0.69, compute the regression line of X on Z.

  1. x¯=33.4 min, sx2=137.24 min2, y¯=42.75 min, sy2=280.4875 min2, z¯=73.3 min, sz2=822.31 min2, sxy=148.25 min2 and syz=388.825 min2. Thus, there is a direct linear relation between X and Y and an inverse linear relation between Y and Z.
  2. bxy=0.5285 min.
  3. rxy2=0.5709 and ryz2=0.6555, thus the regression line of Y on Z explains better Y than the regression line of Y on X since ryz2>rxy2.
  4. Regression line of Y on Z: y=77.4095+0.4728z and y(40)=58.4957.
  5. sxz=231.7967 and the regression line of X on Z is x=54.0622+0.2819z.